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I want to get away from crumpling aluminum foil over unmated KF flanges. It looks nasty and sometimes it falls off anyway. I want to 3D print dust caps but I only want to have to plug in a single caliper reading of the diamater of the flange.
I wrote an OpenSCAD script that prints exactly 5 layers and 2 perimeters on Heatsync's ultimaker 3D printer. All dimensions are in mm.
height = 5; thickness = 0.6; wallThick = 1.17; flangeOD=29.81; Fit = 0.25; insideDiameter = flangeOD + Fit; rotate(a=[0,180,0]) difference() { cylinder(h=height, r=((insideDiameter/2)+wallThick), $fn=100); cylinder(h=(height-thickness), r=insideDiameter/2, $fn=100); }
Ultimaker PLA Results
Works like a charm!